When your job isn't typical, your taxes aren't either. There are a lot of benefits to starting your own business, or providing a service through Uber or a similar company, but it also means you have more to deal with this upcoming tax season.
In addition to seeking out professional advice, there are also free resources available to help you navigate the tax-filing process. Sole proprietors and independent contractors can get helpful information from the IRS Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center. This resource includes online tools such as the Tax Calendar for Businesses and Self-Employed, which has key tax dates and necessary actions for each month of the year. For those who provide services to consumers, such as rides in personal vehicles for a fee, e.g. Uber, or the use of property, such as apartments or homes for rent, e.g. Airbnb, the IRS created the Sharing Economy Resource Center. It has tips such as:
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February 2018